How to add your media to your teacher profile
By adding media to your profile, you give potential students a more complete overview of you as an artist. It can complement your biography text and help customers decide if they should get in touch with you.
When selecting your media files, make sure they showcase your best qualities as a musician and a teacher. Artis Futura is not a video or audio streaming platform.
The second tab under ‘Edit profile’ is ‘Media’. Here you can upload links to your media files across three different screens Video, where you can add both Youtube and Vimeo links, Soundcloud and Spotify. On your profile your media links will be separated in Video and Audio files.
Once you have added the link to the file you want, please remember to click the ‘+’ next to the link to add it to your library!
Adding links to your video files.
The format of the video URLs required for a successful link is:
Vimeo video link:
Youtube vide link:
Once you have added your video link, you can add a title and text to each of your videos the same way you would do on Youtube or Vimeo. You can give some explanation of the video to encourage plays, and to explain its relevance to your music teacher profile.

Upload your Audio links.
For Audio links we allow uploads from Spotify and Soundcloud. Be aware that Spotify only allows samples of your tracks to be uploaded, not complete tracks! Still, as it is still a very popular platform, we have included it here for you.
You can choose to link both individual tracks and entire albums. The URL formats will be:
Soundcloud individual track:
Soundcloud album:
Spotify individual track:
Spotify album:
Just like the videos you link to Artis Futura, you have the ability to add a title and text to each track or album.